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What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects by clicking through to each sub-page on the left. If you require any further information please contact your child's class teacher via email or take a look at your child's class pages.

Our curriculum intent

Our curriculum offer encompasses our vision, 'at Red Hill CE Primary School, we look to Jesus as our example in our aspirations for excellence and enjoyment in all that we do. We believe that everyone is unique and everything is celebrated'. We aspire for a curriculum offer which enables all our children to flourish and realise that 'God created you to be amazing!'

Our curriculum is centred around this vision and our school motto Excellence & Enjoyment, Everyone & Everything as follows:

Key Driver



We strive for excellence in all which we do. We aspire for all children and colleagues to individually meet their full potential.


We believe that all learning should be both enjoyable and memorable through a wide range of enrichment opportunities.


We believe in achievement for all and support everyone to achieve their very best.


We ensure that our curriculum offer enables learning of key skills and knowledge for children to move onto the next stage of education.

Our curriculum has been designed with Red Hill being at the very heart of our offer. This ensures that our children will have a secure understanding and knowledge of the school as part of their immediate community. The history and the geography aspects of Red Hill, as a site, being a key feature of our offer. Alongside these drivers are our core Christian values, which are again woven within our curriculum plans.

Sequences of learning around key texts, sparkling starts, fabulous finishes, community links, 'Red Hill Riches' and a thematic approach are all features of our exciting curriculum offer.