Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
5LB (Mrs Broad) -
5PB (Miss Morgan/Mrs Ballinger) -
Autumn Term
Year 5 have been learning about the Tudors and how Elizabeth I was a legendary leader. We explored the Spanish Armada and paintings to represent it as well as life in Tudor times and the works of Shakespeare.
In English, we have looked at the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and used it as an inspiration for our own writing. We explored the different perspectives of characters and wrote an informal letter from our own crayon!
We were incredibly proud of the Year 5s who took part in bikeability this half term. They showed real perseverance and resilience when cycling on the road.
Celebration of Culture
We loved learning how to Salsa dance on Celebration of culture day and all about South American culture. We also used the opportunity to celebrate Eid and make Eid decorations for upcoming events.