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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Contact us:

Miss Jones -

Miss Hawkes- 

Autumn Term

During the first half-term, we learnt about ‘The Great Fire of London’; we became historians and explored how life was in London, 1666. The children looked at the causes and effects of the great fire, and had fun discovering its lasting legacy. ​

In the second half-term, we were keen geographers looking at the driving question ‘How can we save our oceans?’. We explored how plastic pollution is impacts our oceans and how animals depend on the ocean for their habitat. ​


During the second half-term, we will be explored shape!  We identified different 2-D and 3-D shapes, and used the mathematical vocabulary of faces, vertices, edges and symmetry to describe different shapes. 


In English, we explored the very exciting text 'The Odd Fish' by Naomi and James Jones. We built up to writing our own setting descriptions based on the story. 

The Odd Fish Paperback Book - HarperCollins Publishers


In RE, we explored the question 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians'. We looked closely at the story of the Nativity and studied art based on the story, annotating it with our thoughts. 

For all other subjects, see the Red Hill Riches below.

Spring Term


This half-term, we will be exploring the topic 'Race to Space'. As historians, we will investigate the difference between primary and secondary sources. We will use our knowledge to discuss whether the reports of somebody landing on the moon are true! We will look back in the past to the 1950's and the difficulties many people faced during that period. 

We will also become artists, looking at the very talented Megan Coyle. We will be discovering how she uses different materials to create collages and how she creates tone through her choice of colour. 


In maths, we will begin by looking at money. We will identify pounds and pence (notes and coins), and compare amounts. We will learn to make calculations with money and even find change! 

We will also start our journey into multiplication and division. Recognising and making equal groups, using arrays, doubling and halving, as well as learning some of our times tables!  


We will be starting with a fantastic story called 'Lights on Cotton Rock' by David Lichfield. The text is accompanied by the most beautiful illustrations, and we will be using them to create our own setting descriptions. 

Edspire Reads: Lights On Cotton Rock by David Litchfield | EdspireLights On Cotton Rock – David Litchfield IllustrationLights On Cotton Rock – David Litchfield Illustration

For all other subjects, see the Red Hill Riches below.