Children's Mental Health Week
The children LOVED celebrating Mental Health Day with our Hello Yellow theme. All children dressed in yellow or something that made them happy and enjoyed singing and dancing activities. They also created their own stress balls, did mindful colouring and listened to calming music.
Mrs Shaw did a fantastic job of sharing a wide range of resources and breathing techniques to support us if we are struggling with our feelings and shared out some lavender bags for each class, created by the nurture group. Mrs Shaw even created a yellow range of snacks for the staff to brighten up their day!
Looking after our mental health is an absolute priority and finding ways to talk about our feelings is the best way to promote healthy minds. Thank you to all staff and children involved!
Monday kicked off a busy week with pupils and staff joining in with our DRESS TO EXPRESS Day, launching Children's Mental Health Week; thanks to Miss Warner for organising the week and to Julie Prentice, our school governor with responsibility for Mental Health. She writes ...
"The school has clearly invested in providing comprehensive training for staff to also enable the provision of the more specialist targeted approaches when children need them. It was fabulous to see such a lovely space has been set aside for the targeted work to support children’s wellbeing. The caring and inclusive ethos of the school shines through everything you have been doing."
The children have been lucky enough to receive funding to purchase a number of wellbeing books and resources from a local COVID catchup fund and have been enjoying these wonderful stories to help explore and understand their own feelings and mental health.
In conjunction with this, Years 4, 5 and 6 were treated to some great workshops with The Star Project. The children sang, acted and learned some great dance routines.
On Thursday, Steve from DWAEC visited Year 2, bringing with him lots of his animal friends! The children were captivated all morning, comparing their 600 muscles with the 10 000 of a python, staring out chameleons and listening to a kookaburra laugh!